Tag Archives: better health

Prevail Max by Valentus Review

I recently came across a health product Prevail Max by Valentus that literally blew my mind.  Not because I actually tried it myself, but because of what I saw visually from a video on YouTube (see below).  I was so impressed with what I actually saw that I ordered the product myself and although I just started using it in the past 24 hours I have already noticed that I feel more energy and have more focus.

Here is more information on the product and why you might want to consider Prevail Max for yourself if you have any health issues or you like myself you simply want better health.

Prevail MAX is a  nutritional breakthrough that delivers a rapid increase of internal blood cell pressure to speed absorption, enabling the body to take maximum advantage of the nutrients in foods and supplements. The nano- sized electrolytes are small enough to penetrate your cell membranes, to bind with your cells, and to be carried wherever they are needed in the body.

When you use Prevail MAX, you will feel more energy and an ability to focus like never before. Take a few sprays today and see just how good you can feel.

Prevail Max (Powerful Testimonial)

A Nutritional Breakthrough for Your Cells

  • PrevailMAX is a supercharged, proprietary blend of nano-sized (trace) electrolytes that charge your cells, reinflate them, and space them apart so they can float freely through your body.
  • Once they are apart and have regained a healthy shape and fluidity, the cells can absorb nutrients and eliminate toxins at a much higher capacity.
  • Both nutrients and oxygen are delivered inside your cells far better than before.
  • Quick to use and tastes great (with a hint of mint for fresh breath!)
  • Takes only seconds to administer orally, four sprays just 2x per day!
  • Will see results show up in your life within only minutes and lasts for hours!
  • Easy to share, based on your excitement about your own life experience!
  • Patent-pending technology unlike any other in the world.
  • Global exclusive network marketing rights secured by Valentus.
  • Today’s average consumer have what doctors call “sticky blood” that comes from everyday occurrences:
  • Eating fatty foods, poor eating habits, increased sugar consumption, certain medications, carbon monoxide, excessive caffeine, alcohol, and stress cause red blood cells to stick together and “stack up” like a roll of coins, preventing nutrients from being properly absorbed.
  • Valentus has a ground-breaking technology so revolutionary that the results are visible under a microscope in just minutes!

Supplement Facts



Prevail Max Facts (Frequently Asked Questions).

Does this product assist with detoxification? If so, should I stop taking my other products that I am taking to help with bowel movements/constipation?

Detoxification: The increased bio-electric charge that your body will carry while using Prevail Max will assist in the natural peristaltic action of the colon and further assist in a natural and more comfortable bowl movement. You will be giving your body what it was lacking to perform its most basic function. Continue with your previous protocol and then abstain from said protocol after combining the Prevail Max and your bowl regulation products for three days. Continue with Prevail Max there after to further assist this and many other relevant conditions.

Will this increase my athletic performance? If so, has this been approved by the World anti-doping agency? I don’t want to jeopardize my athletic competitions, should I get randomly selected to provide a urine sample!

The Prevail Max formula has been shown to GREATLY enhance athletic performance in a variety of ways. It has yet to be certified by WADA but has been previously cleared by the NSF for Sport in the United States which monitors and controls the regulation for all banned substances in the U.S. for professional athletes.

Is this safe for children? If not, what age or body weight is recommended (at minimum) for safety?

It has become a customary standard in North America via the FDA to suggest that children under the age of 12 years old consult a qualified health care practitioner before using any supplemental product. This being said, we suggest that you consult said practitioner prior to use.

Is this product FDA approved?

PrevailMax is considered a natural supplement and is recognized by the FDA as such.

Are there any medical papers on this product that I can access to show my doctor?

There has been years of supportive and collaborating studies done on the Prevail Max technology that had been conducted by Dr. Mueller and his R&D company. Although, to date there has not been third party studies done that have been published.

Do I take this product with food? Or, can I take this product in the early morning when I take my other medicines? Do I take this product in between meals, when I drink my other Valentus beverages, or only during breakfast, lunch and supper? (Product says to take 3 times per day, when?)

PrevailMax can be taken at any time day or night without complication because it is administered intra-orally and absorbs into the blood stream quickly thus bypassing the gastrointestinal tract and avoiding the time consuming and often times interference of normal digestion.