Tag Archives: mlm

5 Things You Need to have – To Find Success in Network Marketing

I recently came across an article in a magazine that my company provides on the topic of 5 elements you must have to be successful in network marketing.  In this article that was written by John Haremza author of “Right or Almost Right” he goes on to share that the 5 elements you must have are the following:

  1. The Company (Leadership, debt-free, profitable).
  2. The Product (is it easy to share and something you or others would benefit from).
  3. The compensation plan (does it pay out well as much as 50% or better)
  4. The timing (is the company growing, dying, or staying the same – you want to be with a company that is growing and hopefully beyond the $2 Million a month mark).
  5. The Training (Does the company provide free ongoing training calls, and events to plug into.)

Those are the 5 things you are looking for in your opportunity or any opportunity if you want to be involved in network marketing (direct selling, mlm, home based business).

To learn more watch my video below.

5 Things You Need – How To Be Successful in your Network Marketing Business

If your company is missing 2 or 3 of the 5 above elements no matter how good you are – you are going to struggle in building your business.  If you are open to another opportunity, not growing where you are, struggling, or just simply need some coaching feel free to reach out to me at john@johnlowery.biz

How To Recruit for Network Marketing on Facebook

I used to do a 100% of my recruiting for network marketing on Facebook and MySpace before it imploded. I realized recently that I have really gotten away from it for a few years now.  It was so powerful a few years ago it wasn’t uncommon for me to sponsor 15 to 20 people per month by just using social media mainly Facebook. So today, I want to share with you some tips on how to get people interested in your business via Facebook.  I know these tips still work as I tested them last month and sponsored a few people using some of these tactics.

Post something about your business without a link to your business, but maybe a blog or just something to spark some curiosity.  I find that this usually works better than just posting a link to my company website.

Top Tips for How To Recruit with Facebook

Get in the habit of connecting or re-connecting with 3 to 5 people per day and watch your business grow. Who wants to join me in reaching out to 5 people per day on Facebook? And this isn’t about spamming, but actually sending out messages to people you have as friends or new friends.  Just simply introduce yourself and ask your new or old friend about what they are up to.  Again, you are not even mentioning your business unless they ask you about it.  Then and only then would you even mention it.  Just send a message with the following, “Hey John, it’s been awhile since we last connected, what are you up to these days?”

Start a Facebook Group for network marketers.  I started a group called “Become an MLM Superstar”.  I’ve definitely sponsored at least a handful of people from this group and it’s a great way to connect with others who may not join your business, but definitely are like-minded for the most part.

Just be consistent in your activity.  If you’ve only got a few minutes per day, maybe you set a goal to just reach out to 2 or 3 new people per day.  My goal is to go for reaching out to 5 new people per day with no ulterior motive except that I am looking for people who have similar interests (networking, business owners, music, entrepreneurs).

If you need a little more help with using the tactics above that I mentioned, please watch the video below to see how this could work for you.

How To Recruit For Network Marketing on Facebook

If you feel like you need help with this or some training on how to do it, feel free to reach out to me at john@johnlowery.biz or pick up a copy of my book on Amazon “The Social Media Puzzle & How To Profit From it”.

Getting More Leads for your Network Marketing Business With Global Moneyline

I recently came across an online tool that is supposedly helping people get more leads and make money to support their home based business.  Let’s face it one of the most challenging things we all face when doing network marketing is having plenty of people to talk to.  In a perfect world, we would post a blog or a video and our phones would ring off the hook with prospects begging to join our business and all we would have to say is, “Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover.”

Unfortunately, if you’ve been involved in network marketing for any length of time you know it can take a little more convincing than that.  I’ve personally purchased leads, bought google ads, solo ads, called friends and family, and still regularly buy Facebook Ads and am always on the lookout for new tools that can help me and my team members attract more people to my business.

With that being said, I recently found something that will help you build a list of people you can email to in just a few days for next to nothing.  In fact, you can sign up for free to test drive it and even use the service without ever spending a dime if you choose.  If you are serious about building a network marketing business and want to get more leads and build a large list fast, I recommend you at least take a peak at Global Moneyline.  I took it for a test drive 3 days ago after learning that some of my team members were getting sign-ups into our network marketing business from it.  In just 36 hours I’ve already got over 2000 people in my network that I can email or advertise my opportunity to.  It could take weeks or even months to build a list of 2000 or more.  I will add that nothing beats having your own email list, but while you are building your list – this could be a great alternative to building your list.

To learn more about Moneyline and how it can help you get more leads and distributors for your network marketing business click here.  I think you’ll be happy with at least taking a look at it.

The Fortune is In The Follow Up

I remember years ago hearing that, The fortune was in the follow-up.  At first thought, I wasn’t sure what that really meant, but now many years later, I can contest that if you are involved in sales or network marketing that your ability to follow up will be the difference between being a superstar or barely making a living.

Here is why you definitely want to follow up and why you will be ahead of most people if you do.  First of all, following up takes time and good time management and you must be on your game.  You see, most people simply need to have their hand held to make a decision even if they are super interested.  It’s just human nature.  There is a reason today that companies still rely on salespeople to introduce their products to the marketplace because they know that people typically will have a difficult time making a decision without someone there to help them make a decision.

Did you get the word help in the previous paragraph?  I hope so because as professional networkers and salespeople our job isn’t to push people into something they don’t need or want – that’s very ignorant behavior.  I call that “Bible Belt Selling” (Beating people over the head with a bible).  The best way to follow-up is to uncover needs with your prospect initially and see if they even have a NEED for your product or service.  If they don’t have a need and you keep following up you are an Ass.  You must do your uncovering initially to see if your prospect even needs what you have to offer.  I don’t care what you’re selling not everyone is going to need your product or service.  The best salespeople I have ever met aren’t the pushiest, they are the best listeners and they know how to put their products in the marketplace by understanding their customer’s needs first and foremost.

Now to the follow up.  It’s actually very simple, once you find out that a prospect needs your product or service your job is to make an appointment.  Find out what they need prior to the meeting to help make their decision.  Set a day and time for you to see them in person or on the phone and simply uncover their quesitons and help guide them along to make a decision to either buy or die.  What you don’t want to do is spend days, weeks, or months following up to find that your prospect cannot make a decision.  I personally, try and get prospects to tell me NO right away if they are not interested.  In fact, in the past I have told people ahead of time exactly how the sales process is going to work and that its ok for them to tell me NO.  I actually would much rather have a NO than someone stroking me along for weeks or months because they are afraid to tell me NO.  You want to get to NO or YES as quickly as possible when you are dealing with prospects.

So there is truth to the saying, The fortune is in the follow-up, but more importantly you want to get really good at recognizing a buyer and a tire kicker.  Most of your prospects will be tire kickers and that’s what you want to eliminate right away.  Follow up with your best prospects and get your tire kickers to jump in or jump off quickly.  So treat your prospecting or cold calling like you are simply hunting not so much for sales, but for qualified prospects,

So treat your prospecting or cold calling like you are simply hunting not so much for sales, but for qualified prospects, set appointments, and get your prospects to a Yes or No as quickly as you can.  If you qualify on the front end before you even start the follow up you will save yourself a ton of time and energy.  You may be following up with a lot less people, but you will ultimately find that if you get really good on your listening skills that you will have alot less work following up and your closing percentage will go way up as its much easier to persuade a qualified prospect to become a customer than it is an unqualified prospect.  So unless you are selling watches, or meat door to door.  Get good at qualifying your prospects and get to an appointment and follow up until your prospects buy or die.


Valentus Review

Valentus Review

A few years ago I came across a start-up company within the direct selling industry called Valentus.  They appeared to be selling healthy beverages online or through word of mouth marketing and they had a very interesting product that caught my attention “Slim Roast” Weight Loss Coffee.  I had seen another company called Javita marketing the same thing years ago, but was intrigued enough to try the product.  Not that I needed to lose weight, but a friend had offered to send me a free sample and I thought – why not.  As a marketer who’s been a part of the health & wellness industry for many years I’ve always been fascinated with the different products that companies come out with.  I guess the ones that really grab my attention are the ones that people would understand without a long science report with a cherry on top.  Heck, 70% of all people drink coffee on a daily basis and many people I know over 30 are trying to lose weight.  This was like Jenny Craig meets Starbucks – I was intrigued to say the least.

I didn’t join Valentus after that first sample, not because I didn’t like the taste, but because I didn’t want to put my time and energy into a start-up company knowing that most fail within the first few years (been there done that).

Fast forward a few years later (7 months ago).  The same friend who shared Valentus with me a few years prior contacted me again.  My first thought was wow – they are still in business.  My second thought was I might have to do some due-diligence on this company and find out what they are all about.  Below I made a list of what I found out and why you may want to consider Valentus if you are looking for a product/service to market for a home based business or another way to create income or wealth in your spare-time.

My Top 10 Reasons for Why Valentus is a Great Company for Network Marketing.

  1. 3 years old and debt free (past the point of collapse and entering momentum).
  2.  Went from 10 million in gross sales in 2015 to 30 million in 2016.
  3.  Consumable products that most people already consume (coffee & energy drinks).
  4.  Company owner who has been a distributor in the past (very important).
  5.  International opportunity (available in over 100 countries).
  6.  Plans to expand internationally
  7.  Outstanding training provided by leaders who have earned millions within the industry. (many already earning 6 & 7 figures or more annually).
  8.  Exceptional compensation plan that pays weekly & monthly.
  9.  Free Online Marketing System for everyone (most companies charge a fee for that).
  10.  Free Training (The team that I joined has free training on how to become a marketing pro).  The company also provides daily and weekly training.

Well there are my top reasons for why Valentus is one of the best opportunities within the network marketing – direct selling industry today.  If you’d like to get more information on Valentus please visit Valentus today and check it out for yourself.


3 Things you must do to succeed in Network Marketing!

I have been involved in the network marketing profession part-time and full-time since 2007 as both a distributor and a sales trainer. I have always wondered why some succeed and so many more fail. I have found that the ones that do succeed aren’t really more talented than anyone else just more motivated. In fact, most anyone with a little bit of persistence who is willing to take action can make money in network marketing.

With that being said I am a firm believer in consistent daily repeatable actions. In other words, these repeatable actions must become habits and be easy enough to do that you can repeat them over and over without thinking about them. I personally have been mentored and coached by some of the top income earners in the network marketing profession and they always told me to take massive action. I personally always felt that was kind of crazy in a way as I never felt that others would follow my footsteps. So, this morning when I caught myself reading a blog by a 20 million dollar income earner Nathan Ricks, I thought it was such great advice that I would share with you what he does and has been teaching for the past 20 years with his team.

Here is what he had to say.

  1. Talk to 3 people daily about your business.
  2. Do 3 – 3 way calls daily with your team (probably won’t happen until your team grows past at least 20 people, but good advice for people with larger teams).
  3. Sponsor 3 new distributors/customers per month.

Now I personally haven’t tried this on for size as I haven’t been full-time in the network marketing industry since 2013, but I would say that even if I were part-time I would try to create a recipe like the above to simplify my activities and give me something to work towards on a daily and monthly basis. If you’d like to learn more about network marketing feel free to reach out to me as I have built large organizations of several thousand people in multiple companies in the past and have been a top income earner in more than a few companies.  If you’d like to take advantage of my free coaching feel free to fill out the online form by clicking here.