I recently came across an article in a magazine that my company provides on the topic of 5 elements you must have to be successful in network marketing. In this article that was written by John Haremza author of “Right or Almost Right” he goes on to share that the 5 elements you must have are the following:
- The Company (Leadership, debt-free, profitable).
- The Product (is it easy to share and something you or others would benefit from).
- The compensation plan (does it pay out well as much as 50% or better)
- The timing (is the company growing, dying, or staying the same – you want to be with a company that is growing and hopefully beyond the $2 Million a month mark).
- The Training (Does the company provide free ongoing training calls, and events to plug into.)
Those are the 5 things you are looking for in your opportunity or any opportunity if you want to be involved in network marketing (direct selling, mlm, home based business).
To learn more watch my video below.
5 Things You Need – How To Be Successful in your Network Marketing Business
If your company is missing 2 or 3 of the 5 above elements no matter how good you are – you are going to struggle in building your business. If you are open to another opportunity, not growing where you are, struggling, or just simply need some coaching feel free to reach out to me at john@johnlowery.biz